Key features and benefits
Maywoods Shared Care Record (SCR) Analytics gives you the information to get the most out of your Shared Care Record or Electronic Healthcare Record. Our extensive selection of dashboards and impactful data visualizations provide you with valuable insights. The system helps you manage the success and benefits of a Shared Care Record including:
- Managing health economies across ICB, county and metropolitan areas
- The operation and success of Shared Care Records
- Measuring and communicating the benefits of Shared Care Records
- Measure the adoption of your shared care record. View the trends over time and filter for specific information types such as Discharge Summaries
Analyse clinical user behaviour and view the types of information being shared
- What types of information does a specific hospital share with other hospitals?
- What kind of information does a specific hospital view?
Evaluate benefits and use cases, discover insights into how the Shared Care Record is really being used
- Drill down to specific document types and see if they are being used as expected
- Support programme rollouts with real usage data support with service specific reporting
- Get the information to support decisions about the shared care record strategy
Makes audit simple – collecting user viewing activity from several different systems can be challenging.
- Instantly produce Data Privacy audits showing how patient records have been accessed by clinicians.
- Collate user viewing information from one, or several Shared Care Records in just a few clicks.
- Our export feature allows this information to be easily passed on to relevant authorities or even patients.
Other features include:
- Analyse how GP Records are viewed, visualise how hospitals view GP records at place level and GP practice level
- How is information shared between different Shared Care Records?

Accurate and simple to use audit of who has accessed patient information within your Shared Care Record.

Detailed analysis of your shared care record providing you with the insights you need to ensure you are getting the best out of your system.

For a free 7-day trial of Shared Care Record Analytics please contact us for more information to get you connected.
Email info@maywoods.co.uk for more information.